5 Easy Tips to Hassle-Free Skin on Holi

Holi, the festival of colors, is a joyous occasion celebrated with fervor and enthusiasm. However, the vibrant colors used during the festivities can be harsh on the skin and hair, often leading to various skin problems. To ensure a hassle-free and enjoyable Holi experience, skincare experts Kanikka Dewanii, Founder of Mintree USA, and Mona Pandit, Founder of Reshmona, offer valuable insights and tips on skincare before and after Holi.

Protecting Against Common Skin Problems
According to Kanikka Dewanii, excessive washing to remove colors can dry out the skin. She recommends moisturizing before and after exposure to replenish moisture. Opt for sulfate-free gentle cleansers to avoid further dryness and use body masks for exfoliation instead of physical scrubs to maintain skin health and vibrancy.

Mona Pandit advises taking preemptive skincare measures to prevent skin problems. Using ayurvedic or herbal skincare products before and after Holi is advisable to minimize irritation, breakouts, and dryness caused by exposure to colors and sunlight.

Effective Pre-Holi Skincare Rituals
Kanikka Dewanii suggests bathing with turmeric powder to strengthen the skin and enhance its resilience against color exposure. Using cold water for bathing helps keep pores tighter, preventing colors from penetrating deeper layers of the skin.

Mona Pandit emphasizes starting a skincare routine at least a week before Holi. Incorporate steps like moisturizing, applying sunscreen, and using face oils daily to minimize skin damage. Additionally, apply hair oil three times a week to strengthen and improve hair texture.

Specific Types of Barrier Creams or Oils
For post-Holi exposure, Kanikka Dewanii recommends using body butters containing a blend of ceramides, actives, antioxidants, and botanicals for effective moisturization and healing. Mona Pandit suggests using oil-based creams and moisturizers to nourish the skin and provide hydration, especially for those with dry and sensitive skin.

Best Practices for Removing Holi Colors
To remove Holi colors without causing irritation or damage, Kanikka Dewanii advises using sulfate-free cleansers for gentle cleansing and exfoliating clay masks for the body. Avoid using physical exfoliators or pumice stones, as they can damage the skin. Mona Pandit recommends washing with cold water, massaging coconut oil onto the body, and using ayurvedic face oil to help remove stubborn colors.

Maintaining Skin Health Before, During, and After Holi Celebrations
Kanikka Dewanii recommends oiling the body and getting plenty of rest at least a week before Holi to lock in extra moisture. Incorporating cold showers into the routine can help keep the skin refreshed, while applying ice on the face can reduce puffiness and invigorate the skin.

Mona Pandit stresses the importance of consistent skincare routines before and after Holi to prevent adverse effects from colors. Use oil-based skincare products for hydration, healing, repair, and nourishment at the dermis level. Maintain skincare routines even after Holi celebrations to ensure skin health and vitality.

Quick Tips for Holi Skincare
On the day of Holi, it’s essential to give extra care to your skin, which is exposed to sun and colors. Here are some quick tips to protect your face, lips, nails, and hair:

Face: Hydration and Moisturization: Mona suggests, “Use a suitable skin cream, preferably an oil-based cream with natural SPF, to hydrate and nourish the skin.”

Protection: Apply additional SPF after moisturizing to shield the skin from harsh sun rays, preventing tanning.

Barrier: Create a protective barrier on the skin’s surface using a face oil rich in antioxidants like vitamin E, essential oils, and herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory properties. This helps neutralize free radicals and reduces the chances of allergies and irritation. Finish with a pressed or loose powder to prevent clogged pores due to dust.

Lips & Nails: Mona shares, “Apply a thick layer of lip balm, preferably made from clarified butter containing natural SPF, to protect the lips from Holi colors and sun rays. This not only hydrates and nourishes the lips but also forms a protective barrier, preventing direct contact with colors.” For nails, apply a moisturizer to protect them from color stains.

Body: Before playing Holi, apply a thick layer of SPF-containing body lotion made from natural extracts to protect exposed areas like hands, legs, feet, and neck from colors and sun tan.

Hair: Oil your hair the night before Holi to prevent color from settling in and causing damage. Coat the scalp and strands with oil to create a protective barrier. Women should tie their hair up into a bun or braid to prevent colors from settling in.

Mona Pandit Mona Pandit

Kanikka Dewanii Kanikka Dewanii

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