Aanam Chashmawala: Redefining Beauty Standards with Wearified

Aanam Chashmawala, a trailblazing content creator, first-generation blogger, and the visionary founder behind Wearified, is revolutionizing the beauty industry with her mission to ‘democratize beauty’. Drawing inspiration from her upbringing in a family immersed in the fashion business, Aanam’s journey into entrepreneurship was a natural evolution. Armed with a background in Mass Media and Marketing, she possesses a keen insight into brand dynamics and market positioning, shaping Wearified into a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment.

A staunch believer in challenging societal beauty norms, Aanam advocates for individuality and self-expression. With Wearified, she endeavors to shift the dialogue surrounding beauty, offering products that celebrate diversity and authenticity. For Aanam, beauty is not merely skin deep; it’s about fostering self-assurance and well-being.

What inspired you to start your own business?
Honestly, the desire for independence and ownership has always been ingrained in me. Growing up in a family where business was a common topic of discussion, starting my own venture felt like a natural progression. Initially focusing on fashion content as a blogger, I gradually found my passion shifting towards beauty. Witnessing the gap in the Indian beauty market, I saw an opportunity to create something meaningful and inclusive with Wearified.

Can you share a quirky or unexpected moment from the early days of your entrepreneurial journey?
One unexpected challenge I encountered was the initial struggle to be taken seriously by vendors and labs. Despite having a significant online following, my age and gender sometimes overshadowed my business acumen. It was a humbling experience that taught me to assert myself confidently and persistently.

How do you maintain a work-life balance? Any unusual rituals or habits that keep you energized?
Achieving a perfect work-life balance is an ongoing pursuit. However, I prioritize self-care by dedicating the first half-hour of my day to meditation and reflection. This ritual grounds me and sets a positive tone for the day ahead, ensuring I approach my work with clarity and purpose.

What has been the most surprising challenge you’ve faced, and how did you overcome it?
Overcoming skepticism from industry stakeholders was particularly challenging. Initially, some vendors were hesitant to collaborate due to my age and background. However, by consistently delivering quality products and fostering genuine connections, I earned their trust and respect over time.

Can you share a particularly rewarding or memorable success story from your entrepreneurial career?
Winning a prestigious beauty award for our flagship product, the IRL Paris Filter Airbrush Powder, remains a highlight of my journey. It was a validation of our commitment to innovation and excellence, affirming Wearified’s position as a trailblazer in the beauty industry.

What keeps you motivated during tough times in your business? Are there any mantras or quotes that you live by?
Grounded in principles of meditation and gratitude, I approach challenges with resilience and optimism. I believe in focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on setbacks, knowing that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth. One mantra I live by is “Control what you can, accept what you can’t.”

If you could achieve one dream for your business, what would it be?
My ultimate dream for Wearified is to become India’s premier beauty brand, renowned for its commitment to diversity, quality, and innovation. I aspire to create products that empower individuals to embrace their unique beauty with confidence and authenticity.

As a woman leader, how do you inspire and empower your team members?
Leading with compassion and transparency, I strive to create a supportive and inclusive work environment. By fostering open communication and recognizing each team member’s contributions, I empower them to unleash their full potential and thrive in their roles.

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