Suyash Tilak: A Multifaceted Journey in the World of Creative Arts

Suyash Tilak’s journey into the world of photography is intertwined with cherished memories of his ancestral home in Pen, Raigad District. It was a place that held more than just familial connections; it was a place where his late grandmother’s love for photography left an indelible mark. In that quaint village, a studio concealed a treasure trove of old negatives and the magic of photo editing.

Suyash reminisces, “I was fascinated by the old studio setup in my ancestral home in Pen, Raigad. The dark room, negatives, and the art of editing photos on them were mesmerizing. It was like preserving beautiful memories, even for moments I had never experienced. That’s what drew me to photography. I started my photography journey with a humble handicam, capturing images through a camcorder meant for recording videos. It was a fascinating period in my life.”

@suyashtilakphotography @suyashtilakphotography

The cover photo for Tadoba Diaries magazine, captured by Suyash, stands as a testament to the beauty of nature. Suyash shares the story behind this remarkable shot, “I was in the Tadoba Sirkada buffer zone during the summer. Surprisingly, the image gives the impression of a monsoon scene. The region was lush with greenery and abundant water, thanks to early showers. During our visit, we encountered two tiger cubs and their mother. We spent two awe-inspiring hours with them, observing their playful antics.”

Suyash’s patience and dedication paid off when he captured a fleeting moment. “In the midst of their play, I saw a magical moment. One of the cubs seemed to gaze into a reflective surface, mirroring its sibling perfectly. It was an image of innocence and wonder that encapsulated their playful spirits. This is what makes this photograph so special.”

The joy and gratitude in Suyash’s voice are evident as he talks about his image being chosen as the cover for Tadoba Diaries. “I couldn’t have been happier. Beyond acting, photography is my passion, especially wildlife and nature photography. So, when Tadoba Diaries informed me about selecting my image as their cover, it was a moment of pure joy and pride. It’s rare to see such concept-driven images on covers, which made it even more emotional for me.”

Suyash’s photography primarily focuses on wildlife and nature, offering a window into a world not everyone has the opportunity to explore. He notes, “I don’t know if my audience relates to my photos, but I believe many people who love wildlife and nature but can’t visit such places find solace in my photographs. My images allow them to experience those moments, to be present in the wild without actually being there. It’s a way for them to connect with their love for nature.”

He adds, “Some viewers are inspired to visit jungles after seeing my work, hoping to witness similar moments. That’s the beauty of photography; it can be a bridge between a dream and reality.”

Suyash Tilak’s commitment to wildlife conservation is reflected in his approach to photography. He emphasizes, “In wildlife photography, it’s crucial to minimize disturbance to the animals and their environment. Silence is key, but it’s not always easy when excitement takes over. Maintaining a low profile and respecting the ecosystem is paramount. When photographing people, always seek their consent; ethical photography is essential.”

Acting is my love, and photography is my passion. They both hold a special place in my heart. While they aren’t directly related, my understanding of light, framing, and technical aspects from photography enhances my acting skills

While Suyash admires several photographers, he maintains his unique perspective. “I love viewing content from various photographers, both Indian and international. Mohan Thomas, Nallamothu, Steve Winter, Arzoo Khurana, Varun Aditya, and many others have impressive portfolios. However, I don’t consider myself inspired by their work. I believe every photographer should have their own vision and style. I love and respect their work, but my photography is about preserving moments that resonate with me.”

@suyashtilakphotography @suyashtilakphotography

So how does you he the relationship between his acting and photography evolving in the future? “Acting is my love, and photography is my passion. They both hold a special place in my heart. While they aren’t directly related, my understanding of light, framing, and technical aspects from photography enhances my acting skills. Both crafts complement each other, allowing me to see things differently. As I continue to explore both realms, I believe they will evolve in harmony, enriching my creative journey."

He adds, “I don’t pursue photography as a source of income; it’s purely my passion. While I do aspire to sell my photographs, host exhibitions, and explore various opportunities related to my photography, I haven’t solidified those plans just yet. I’m uncertain about the path I’ll take in the future regarding my love for photography. However, whenever I engage in both acting and photographysimultaneously, I find myself immersed in the moment. Photography, in particular, feels like meditation to me. It has a calming effect, reinvigorates my spirit, and fills me with positivity. These two passions run parallel in my life and provide me with immense fulfillment.”

Anjali Shetty
Written by

Anjali Shetty

A seasoned journalist with 14 years of experience in the field, I have a diverse portfolio of work, covering a wide range of topics from news and entertainment to food and lifestyle. In 2020, I moved to Canada. Now, I am exploring life as a new immigrant, while maintaining my love for Bollywood, regional cinema and more.