Zee Marathi’s beloved Pathakbai is making a much-anticipated return to the small screen! Akshaya Deodhar will be portraying the role of Bhavana in the upcoming family drama Lakshmi Nivas. While discussing her new role, Akshaya expressed her excitement and joy.
“In Lakshmi Niwas, I play the character of Bhavana, a deeply emotional and understanding girl who values her family above all. Bhavana is caring, introverted, and firmly rooted in her independence. However, due to certain astrological ‘flaws’ in her horoscope, she struggles to find a suitable match for marriage. Despite years of efforts, her inability to get married has left her feeling burdened and melancholic, as she believes she is causing pain to her parents. This inner conflict and turmoil form a significant part of her journey.”
On being cast for the show, Akshaya shared, “I received a call from the producers for an audition for Zee Marathi, and from that moment, I knew there was no question of saying no. It feels great to return to Zee Marathi after 4-5 years, especially with such a unique role and a family-centric story. The team is fantastic. I’ll be working with industry stalwarts like Harshada Khanvilkar, Tushar Dalvi, and others for the first time. I’m particularly excited to learn from them, and I feel like I’ll have a new on-set family again.”
Speaking about her co-star, Harshada Khanvilkar, Akshaya added, “I’ve known Harshada Tai for years, but this is the first time we’re working together. She plays my on-screen mother, and since she’s already known as the ‘Mom’ of the industry, it’s special that she’s playing my mom now too. It’s a wonderful feeling.”
Reflecting on her comeback, Akshaya said, “The first day of shooting the promo was a mix of excitement and nervousness. After being away from TV for 4-5 years, there was pressure to look my best, bring the character to life as written, and connect with the audience. Bhavana has a simple yet elegant look – she’s 30 years old, graceful, and traditional. I’ve never seen myself in a braid before, but in this show, Bhavana’s braid, sarees, and outfits are all designed to reflect her character’s personality. I believe viewers will love it.”
On what makes Lakshmi Nivas special, Akshaya shared, “This show is unique because it highlights the importance of family and relationships. Just like each finger of a hand are different, every individual in a family has their own personality. Yet, they come together to form a bond that gives strength. Lakshmi Niwas is about how different family members unite and what happens when they do. It will resonate deeply with audiences and leave a positive impact.”