The stylish Babu, showcasing the essence of the Agri-Koli dialect, is all set to captivate audiences on August 2. The film, featuring Ankit Mohan in a unique role, presents the character of Babu with a distinct style, evident in the tagline ‘Babu Nahi, Babu Sheth’. The recently released motion poster on social media has already heightened the anticipation among viewers.
From the motion poster, it’s clear that Babu is an action-packed film. Presented by Shri Samarth Krupa Production, the film is produced by Sunita Babu Bhoir and Babu Krishna Bhoir, with the script and direction handled by Mayur Madhukar Shinde.
Director Mayur Madhukar Shinde said, “Marathi cinema usually incorporates emotions, humor, and engaging stories. However, with ‘Babu,’ the audience will witness a powerful blend of action and style. Featuring a dynamic hero like Ankit Mohan, ‘Babu’ has been elevated to another level.”