The show Appi Amchi Collector is set to witness major developments in the New Year. Amol creates a scrapbook preserving memories of his parents’ wedding, which leaves Appi and Arjun emotional. Grateful for surviving his illness, Amol prays to Lord Ganesha to express his thanks. Meanwhile, tensions rise as Appi decides to investigate fraudulent employment practices in the hospital.
Amol’s health is gradually improving, and the family comes together to celebrate. However, a new mystery unfolds when Amol spots Sankalp’s photo in the newspaper. Amol decides to thank everyone who helped him during his illness, including his family and the medical team. While the family prepares for a felicitation ceremony for Appi, Amol is worried about revealing the truth about Sankalp’s role.
During the ceremony, Appi expresses heartfelt gratitude to her colleagues and family for their support. Unexpectedly, Gaitonde announces another honor for Amol in recognition of his resilience. Amol takes the stage and delivers an emotional speech about his parents, doctors, and family, which moves everyone. He is honored at the Collector’s Office for his bravery in fighting his illness, while Appi is lauded for her dedication despite personal challenges.
Amol thanks everyone for their support and mentions Manik (Sankalp), causing tension within the family. Bapu and Vinayak decide to reveal the truth about Sankalp to Amol, but Appi and Arjun oppose the idea, worried about Amol’s fragile health.
As the family places photos from the ceremony in the scrapbook, Amol gets the idea to write New Year resolutions. He collects resolutions from all family members, places his notebook before God, and prays for everyone’s wishes to come true. On New Year’s Eve, Amol plans a small celebration at home and brings Dipya and Mona together for a dance performance with Appi and Arjun.
As the year ends, Amol prays for everyone’s happiness, and the family prepares to welcome the New Year with joy.
But what will happen when the truth that Appi and Arjun are hiding comes to light? Will Amol’s New Year prayer be fulfilled?