The show Appi Aamchi Collector is taking an interesting turn. Thanks to Amol’s efforts, Arjun and Appi are coming together. Arjun decides to leave Arya and stay with Appi and Amol, calling off his engagement with Arya. The entire family celebrates Arjun’s decision. Meanwhile, Rupali is trying to separate Appi and Arjun. Vinayak transfers the family land to Amol, and Mani tries to steal the documents. Arjun is astonished when he sees Amol’s drawings. To distract the family, Mani suggests that everyone go to the temple. At the temple, Amol prays for his family. While the house is empty, Mani steals the land documents. Appi and Arjun become convinced that Mani Mavshi (aunt) is responsible for all this. Despite this, they decide to keep her close and plan to teach her a lesson. What will Arjun and Appi’s new life together be like? How will they teach Mani Mavshi a lesson?
Vallari Viraj: Because of Tiger, we didn’t even have to take a single retake
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