Behind the Scenes with Shiv Khandelwal: A Creative Director’s Global Journey

As an Indian creative director shooting at iconic events like the Met Gala and Cannes Film Festival, Shiv Khandelwal takes us through his creative process, challenges, and the broader impact of his work in pushing boundaries for Indian creatives on the global stage.

The Creative Process

Shiv Khandelwal’s journey as a creative director capturing iconic global events like the Met Gala, Milan Fashion Week, and Cannes Film Festival is more than just about creativity—it’s about storytelling and pushing the boundaries of what it means to be an Indian creative in the global arena.

When it comes to shooting behind-the-scenes (BTS) content, Shiv believes in letting moments breathe and unfold naturally. He has learned that true beauty is found in the candidness of the moment—the sparkle in someone’s eye, the laughter between friends, the quiet pause before the camera flashes. “You can’t stage that,” Shiv reflects. For him, the essence of BTS work is authenticity. It’s not about choreographing the perfect moment but rather capturing it when it naturally happens. The more organic the content, the deeper it resonates with people.

He emphasizes the importance of blending into the background, allowing people to forget they are being filmed or photographed. That’s when you get the most genuine, emotionally rich footage. “If you’re invisible, you see more.” Whether he’s capturing the buzz of hair and makeup backstage or the quiet preparation of a Met Gala attendee, Shiv’s approach is about preserving the raw energy of those environments.

Shooting in environments like Milan, Cannes, or the Met Gala presents a unique set of challenges, from dealing with low lighting and unpredictable schedules to managing high-profile talent and crew. The pressure to perform is immense, but Shiv sees every obstacle as an opportunity to adapt and grow. “You have to be ready for anything,” he says. The lighting might fail, schedules may run late, or unexpected issues could arise—there’s always something that tests your ability to pivot. But what separates success from failure is how you respond in the moment.

He keeps this philosophy front and center: everything comes back to the story. No matter how chaotic the environment gets, Shiv ensures that the story being told—whether it’s about the glamour of a fashion moment or the dedication of an artist—is never compromised. “When you’re in the thick of it, you realize you’re not just shooting for today—you’re creating memories that will last a lifetime.” This perspective allows him to stay grounded, no matter how intense the project gets.

Shiv also stresses the importance of collaboration. He understands that filmmaking and cinematography are team efforts, and that success only happens when everyone—the talent, the crew, the production team—is working towards the same vision. “You have to keep the cast and crew on the same page, that’s when magic happens.”

Impact and Significance

For Shiv, every global event is a chance to learn something new and see firsthand how much hard work goes into creating these dazzling spectacles. He shares how working abroad has been a humbling experience, “You realize how much people behind the scenes do to make everything seem effortless. It’s an army of talent and dedication.” There’s a certain humility and professionalism, especially among international teams, that Shiv finds inspiring. It reminds him to continually refine his craft and never take any opportunity for granted.

“When you’re at events like the Met Gala, Milan Fashion Week, or Cannes, you’re standing in the same room as people you grew up idolizing. It’s surreal,” he says. But more than the excitement of meeting icons, it’s the sense of community and shared passion that resonates most with him. These events are a melting pot of creatives—each bringing their own energy, stories, and experiences. And for someone who grew up with big dreams, these moments of connection are deeply significant. “It’s a reminder that no matter where you come from, if you work hard enough, the world will notice.”

Broader Implications

Shiv’s journey is also a reflection of the broader shift happening in the creative and influencer landscape, especially for Indian creatives. More and more Indian creatives are being recognized and celebrated on the global stage, and Shiv is proud to be part of that movement. “Indian creatives are getting the recognition we’ve always deserved, but it’s been a long road to get here.” He emphasizes the importance of staying persistent, even when it feels like you’re not breaking through.

“You have to keep putting yourself out there—reaching out, making connections, and staying visible. You never know when or where that one opportunity will come from,” Shiv advises. He knows firsthand the power of persistence. For every glamorous shot at the Met, there are hours of hard work and tenacity behind the scenes.

Shiv’s advice for aspiring creatives? “Keep pushing boundaries. Take risks. Don’t wait for someone to hand you an opportunity—create it yourself. Your story deserves to be told, and the world is waiting to hear it.”

Through his work, Shiv is not just capturing moments—he’s creating inspiration for anyone who’s ever dreamed of standing in a room filled with their idols, camera in hand, ready to tell the world’s most extraordinary stories.

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