Bollywood is all set to witness the grand entry of Veer Pahariya with his high-octane action film ‘Sky Force’. Recently, the actor launched the much-awaited trailer of the patriotic extravaganza alongside his co-star Akshay Kumar. During the trailer launch, Akshay Kumar introduced Veer Pahariya with a stellar helicopter entry, marking Veer’s iconic introduction to the movies. The stellar introduction emerged as the highlight of the event, grabbing several eyeballs to a one-of-a-kind heroic entry. With a never-seen-before daredevil stunt, Veer has indeed established himself as India’s emerging Tom Cruise as well as Bollywood’s next action hero.
Veer Pahariya’s attractive screen presence in the film’s trailer cements him as the new Khiladi of Bollywood and sheds light on his knack for acing a complex character with finesse. As soon as the trailer was released, the audience as well as several actors from B-town heaped praise on the debutant, raising anticipation among the masses for the film’s release. With several eager eyes on Veer Pahariya, it is expected that the actor is set to have a smooth debut, with the film being on its path to emerge as a blockbuster.
Beyond Veer Pahariya and Akshay Kumar, ‘Sky Force’ also stars Sara Ali Khan as the leading lady. With intriguing narrative, emotional aspects, patriotism, and action-packed sequences, ‘Sky Force’ is set to keep the cash registers ringing at the box office. Backed by Maddock Films, ‘Sky Force’ is helmed by filmmakers Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Kapur, and is scheduled to hit the big screens on January 24.