Celebrity Tarot Card Reader Aditya Nair honored Champions of Change Award Maharashtra

With an aim to help people live happier and more fulfilled lives during the pandemic, celebrity tarot card reader Aditya Nair left no stone unturned to help all those who reached out to him. Then be it free sessions or one on one support to people as they embarked on their spiritual journeys, Aditya, who also excels in Numerology, Reiki/ Karuna Reiki Healing, Theta Healing was truly there as a pillar of hope for many during the pandemic. The celebrity tarot card reader was recently awarded the Champions of Change Maharashtra award for his unwavering efforts in spreading hope and happiness during those trying times.

Champions of Change Award is to recognise the unsung ‘Champions’ who have brought ‘Change’ in society for the upliftment and betterment of the society and the respective nation.

Commencing his altruistic journey at the age of 17, Aditya began teaching in non-governmental organizations, he was also the part of Skill India Mission, and from 2020 he offered free healing sessions and supported children’s education. Talking about the pandemic, Aditya says, “My endeavour has always been to help as many people as I can and during the pandemic, I was driven with this thought, and this thought alone. I could see how people were struggling, not only with illness, but feelings of despair, hopelessness and loneliness. I offered free sessions to help ease feelings of sadness and worry, especially for those who lost someone close, aiming to improve their overall well-being. My consistent dedication to supporting individuals on their spiritual journeys and my impactful social work show how much I care about making a positive difference in people’s lives. Receiving the Champions of Change Maharashtra award is a great honour, and I’m sincerely thankful for the recognition.”

Asked him how he feels today upon receiving the award, he says, “The experience of receiving the Champions of Change 2023 award alongside esteemed dignitaries was truly surreal. I still feel emotional about being publicly recognised because of the work I have done. It was a moment of profound honour and humility, standing among individuals who have made significant contributions to society and in their respective fields. Being recognised for my work as a tarot card reader and healer by the Government of Maharashtra was deeply gratifying and served as a reminder of the importance of spiritual and intuitive practices in our modern world.”

He adds, “As a tarot card reader, receiving an award like Champions of Change 2023 holds immense significance for me. It goes beyond personal validation, it symbolises acknowledgment of the value of alternative spiritual practices in today’s society. This award not only recognises my individual efforts but also sheds light on the broader acceptance and appreciation of diverse forms of wisdom and insight for the present and generations ahead.”

To who he would like to dedicate this award to, and he says, “I am deeply indebted to all my mentors, my mother, and all my well-wishers for their unwavering support and guidance throughout my journey as a tarot card reader and healer. Therefore, I wholeheartedly dedicate this award to all of them. My mentors have shared their wisdom and expertise generously, shaping my understanding of healing and guiding me along the path of self-discovery. My mother has been my pillar of strength, believing in me even during the most uncertain times. And to all my well-wishers, your encouragement and belief in my abilities have fuelled my passion and determination. This award is as much yours as it is mine, and I am profoundly grateful for your presence in my life.”

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