Confederation of Indian Private Universities highlights research in teaching

The Vice Chancellors and academic experts gathered at the Roundtable Discussion of Confederation of Indian Private Universities (CIPU) at Sri Balaji University, Pune echoed the sentiment of research going hand in hand with teaching. SBUP Chancellor, Prof B Paramanandhan, and Vice Chancellor, Prof (Dr) GK Shirude and over 20 distinguished representatives including Vice Chancellors, Director Generals, Presidents, and Pro Vice Chancellors of renowned Private Universities across India were present on the occasion. All of them also participated in the discussion related to the Elsevier-Ipsos report on ‘View from the top: academic leaders’ and funders’ insights on the challenges ahead.’

During this discussion, Vice Chancellor of SBUP Prof (Dr) GK Shirude highlighted the importance of research and teaching. He said, “In the Higher Education it is not only the incentives or promotions that will work to motivate, but it is about generating self interest in research. Here we have to insist more on assisting teachers every five years in terms of the contribution made in their domain area, not only in books or reports but ideas which will be more useful in teaching that also matter more. Otherwise, research will be the one side and teaching will be the other side. Rather, research should be complementary. While teaching in the classroom, teachers should be able to reflect on some ideas that will ignite and enrich the students’ strengths related to future goals.”

The Director General of CIPU R Karthik has elaborated the functioning of CIPU, its objectives, the 12-point strategic framework of CIPU, upcoming initiatives and programmes, CIPU leadership dialogues for the benefits of higher education, industry academia collaboration, etc. Prof (Dr) Sandeep Sancheti, Convenor, CIPU National Committee on Research and Industry-Academia Collaboration and VP – Research Relations and Academic Affairs, Elsevier India. Also he delivered a comprehensive presentation about the Elsevier-Ipsos report.

In this day-long discussion, various aspects of research work in the academic field, such as thought leadership reports, frameworks of evaluation, case studies, challenges ahead for the academic leaders’ and funders’ (priorities vs. preparedness), perspectives of funders, establishing research councils, embracing AI as an aiding tool, research papers, the role of technology, etc., were discussed.

Vice Chancellor, Prof (Dr) GK Shirude Vice Chancellor, Prof (Dr) GK Shirude

In his concluding remarks, SBUP Chancellor Prof B Paramanandhan said, “Everything is changing today at a fast pace, and we should be relevant in today’s world. We should look at the content we are developing. I would suggest starting something in research works about our own nation. We can collaborate, provide opportunities to the universities, and put our faculty members into research papers on topics relevant to India.”

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