Crafting Dreams: Suhani Lal Sanghra, Founder of Sparc Design

Inspiration for Sparc Design
In 2010, Suhani Lal Sanghra founded Sparc Design, driven by her passion for design and the endless possibilities it offers. After graduating from Sir JJ College of Architecture, she dreamed of starting a firm. Six years later, after honing her skills with top design firms, she the plunge. Her goal was to blend elegance with innovation and to create designs that could transform lifestyles.

Journey so far
When she started in Pune in 2010, she had no projects and limited contacts. Suhani shares, “Within a month, I secured my first two projects, marking the beginning of a successful journey for Sparc Design. Over the years, we’ve built a reputation for innovative design thinking and personalized client experiences. I’ve learned that maintaining relationships with clients and colleagues is crucial. Determination, perseverance, and hard work can help overcome any obstacle.”

Woman power
Being a woman has given her a unique advantage in connecting with clients. She adds, “They often perceive women as more sensitive to design nuances and empathetic to their needs. This allows me to understand their perspectives deeply and create designs that resonate on a personal level. This empathy has been invaluable in building strong client relationships and delivering exceptional designs.”

Mentors and support system
Suhani admits that her journey has been shaped by the unwavering support of her parents and family, who instilled ambition in her early on. “My father encouraged my creativity, and at 12, I held a small exhibition of my crafts. After marriage, my husband became my biggest cheerleader. Their support has been invaluable, giving me the confidence to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams and navigate challenges.”

Navigating the gender dynamics
Initially, the architecture and design industry was male-dominated, but she has seen significant changes over the years. There’s now greater recognition of women’s contributions. Suhani shares, “I focus on my work, letting my designs speak for themselves. By maintaining professionalism and confidence, I’ve earned respect and established myself in the industry. I also mentor other women, hoping to contribute to further positive changes.”

Balancing work and personal life
Balancing work and personal life requires clear boundaries and priorities. “I maintain a schedule that allows for dedicated work and personal time. Setting realistic goals and deadlines helps me stay organized. Delegating tasks and seeking support from my team and loved ones is crucial. Self-care is also important, and I make time for activities like yoga. Finding balance requires patience and persistence but is achievable.”

Fostering an inclusive and supportive culture at SPARC DESIGN
At SPARC DESIGN, fostering an inclusive culture is a top priority. Suhani shares that they promote diversity in hiring, ensuring the team reflects diverse perspectives. “We provide equal opportunities for growth, mentorship programs, and leadership training. We cultivate a culture of openness and respect, where everyone’s voice is heard. This inclusive environment creates a vibrant workplace where everyone can thrive.”

Vision ahead
Suhani says, “In the next five years, we envision SPARC DESIGN as a leading force in innovative design and exceptional client engagement. We aim to explore new technologies and materials, creating stunning and sustainable spaces. Our focus on client engagement will deepen, understanding their needs and exceeding expectations. We plan to expand our reach and take on impactful projects globally.”

Anjali Shetty
Written by

Anjali Shetty

A seasoned journalist with 14 years of experience in the field, I have a diverse portfolio of work, covering a wide range of topics from news and entertainment to food and lifestyle. Navigating the world of parenting now, I am inspired to share my insights and experiences on this beautiful and challenging adventure. Writing about Marathi cinema is a passion of mine, as I find immense joy in unraveling the cultural that this industry offers.