Exclusive: Cover Story: Somy Ali Takes The Lead

At first glance, Somy Ali’s journey seems like a tale of glamour and stardom, typical of Bollywood narratives. Yet, delve deeper, and you’ll uncover a story marked by resilience, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to social justice. Ali’s transformation embodies a potent blend of personal experience and unwavering determination.

A Calling Unveiled
Born into privilege, Ali’s childhood was punctuated by contrasts. While residing in a sprawling mansion in Pakistan, she couldn’t ignore the stark realities of poverty surrounding her. “To begin with I never had any inclination toward acting or wanting to be an actor. We all know why I truly went to India and that tale has beat down everyone’s head so much, it’s better left unsaid. However, I always knew that I wanted people in need. There was a rebellious attitude, positive one, in me, even as a child I do recall that for certain. I was more troubled by a regular child and later as a teenager about everything that was wrong with the world. This trait is innate in us and not something each of us carries and takes to an extent I ended up taking.

Read full article on: https://magazine.culturecrossroads.ca/editions/jun-2024/#/

Anjali Shetty
Written by

Anjali Shetty

A seasoned journalist with 14 years of experience in the field, I have a diverse portfolio of work, covering a wide range of topics from news and entertainment to food and lifestyle. Navigating the world of parenting now, I am inspired to share my insights and experiences on this beautiful and challenging adventure. Writing about Marathi cinema is a passion of mine, as I find immense joy in unraveling the cultural that this industry offers.