Renowned Maharashtrian dancer Gautami Patil, along with actors Dr Mahesh Kumar and Ganesh Divekar, recently completed the shoot for an item song in the Marathi film Vaama-Ladhai Sanmanachi in Ujjain.
Gautami, known for her energetic dance moves and vibrant performances, has gained fame through her appearances in numerous music videos. She is now all set to mesmerize audiences with a special Marathi groovy number in this upcoming film.
Sources suggest that the song is poised to become a hit dance number, perfect for weddings and celebrations. Gautami’s captivating presence and Sudhakar Maji’s choreography are expected to make her a fan favorite. The song also features Marathi actors Dr Mahesh Kumar and Ganesh Divekar. Composed by Suchir Kulkarni and brought to life by the talented singer Vaishali Samant, the music promises to leave a lasting impression.
The lead cast of Vaama - Ladhai Sanmanachi includes Kashmira G Kulkarni, Mahesh Vanve, Jui B, and others. The production was a memorable journey for the cast and crew, with the wrap-up schedule being an emotional moment for everyone involved.
Written, directed, and conceptualized by Ashok R Kondke, the film is produced under the Omkareshwar Productions banner by Subramanyam K Dhiraj Katkade is responsible for cinematography, Tarang Vaidya for dialogues, and Ravi Kondke for art direction, while the editing is handled by Prakash Jha.
The action scenes have been coordinated by stunt director Robert John Fonseca, and costume design is by Nadeem Bakshi. The film aims to deliver a powerful message on women’s empowerment, highlighting the gap between ideals of gender equality and the challenges faced by women in reality.
Currently in post-production, the film is tentatively scheduled for release in March 2025.