Gunjan Utreja: My acting career is evolving

Actor Gunjan Utreja was recently seen at the prestigious Cannes where his short film Kawha was premiered. The actor shares his experience at the festival and also talks about his expectations. ”Attending Cannes has been an exhilarating experience. It’s a festival that embodies the pinnacle of cinematic celebration, and being there amidst such remarkable talent from across the globe is truly a humbling experience. The atmosphere is electric with creativity and passion, making it an unforgettable journey. Also walking the red carpet at Cannes was surreal. It’s something every actor dreams of and when it actually happens, it feels like you’re in a movie yourself. The flashes of cameras, the cheers, and the sheer grandeur of the event were overwhelming yet deeply gratifying. It was a moment of immense pride and joy.”

Gunjan’s film Kahwa, directed by the talented young filmmaker Shubh Mukherjee, sees him play Surkhab Singh, an Army officer stationed in Kashmir. His portrayal delves into the complexities of human relationships amidst political turmoil.”The audience’s response was incredibly heartwarming; they connected deeply with the story and the characters. There were moments during the screening when you could feel the collective emotions in the room, which is a testament to the universal themes and powerful storytelling of the film. The positive feedback and discussions that followed the screening reaffirmed our belief in the film’s message and its potential to resonate globally.” 

He further adds, ”Cannes provides unparalleled visibility which is crucial for a film that tackles such profound and sensitive themes. It opens up opportunities for international recognition and distribution, allowing the story to reach a wider audience. This kind of platform helps in amplifying the voices and narratives that need to be heard. It encourages greater understanding and empathy.” Kahwa, which has been only travelling to film festivals, has not premiered in India yet and Gunjan shares, ”We are incredibly excited for the Indian audience to see “Kahwa.” We are in discussions with several streaming platforms and are aiming for a release later this year. The specific platform and release date will be announced soon.  At present the film is doing the festival rounds across the globe.”

Gunjan has been working in the industry for quite some time now and with his brilliant hosting skills he has been receiving accolades across the world. We have seen him in comic webseries SIT & act in various music videos; but we would like to see more of him

The actor explains, “It has been a deeply rewarding journey. Each role brings its own set of challenges and learning experiences, and I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way. I have also shot 2 Web series; which hopefully will also see their release later this year. Hosting has taught me to connect with audiences, and I believe this ability enhances my acting. My acting career is evolving, and I am keen to take on roles that challenge me and allow me to grow as an artist.”

What kind of roles are you looking for, and on which platform? “I am looking for roles that are complex, nuanced, and offer a chance to explore different facets of human emotion and experience. Whether it’s cinema, television, or digital platforms, I am open to projects that have a strong narrative and a compelling character arc. The platform doesn’t matter as much as the quality of the story and the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to it.”

Entertainment Desk
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