Veteran actor Himani Shivpuri, known for her acting prowess and roles in Indian cinema and television, continues to captivate audience as the witty and lovable Katori Amma in &TV’s gharelu comedy Happu Ki Ultan Paltan. In this exclusive interview, Himani reflects on her remarkable four-decade-long journey in the entertainment industry, from personal tragedies to career milestones, highlighting her resilience and unwavering passion for acting.
You have completed 40 years in the industry. How would you describe your journey?
My journey has been a blend of highs and lows that taught me valuable lessons. I have had the privilege of working with some of the most talented individuals in the industry. Each role has been a stepping stone, and the love I consistently receive from audiences keeps me going. However, my path to success was anything but smooth. Coming from Dehradun, I have had to navigate financial struggles and face limited opportunities for quality roles. There were moments of self-doubt, but my love for acting kept me motivated to keep moving forward.
What was the most challenging moment of your career?
One of the most challenging moments of my career, both professionally and personally, came while filming the blockbuster Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. Tragically, I lost my husband during that time, leaving me as the sole provider for my son. The grief is unexplainable but I had to balance my personal and professional life. In those days dark days, Shah Rukh Khan became my pillar of strength. He constantly cracked jokes, engaged in light-hearted conversations, and ensured I was not feeling lonely. Yash Chopra and Pamela Chopra were also extremely supportive. I still remember Yash Ji telling me, “Take as much time as you need. We are here for you.” Their empathy meant the world to me. Despite the pain, I found strength in my craft. I could not afford to take a break; my son needed me to stay strong both emotionally and financially. That phase taught me the importance of resilience and the healing power of dedication.
You started playing mother on screen at an early age. Was that a conscious decision?
My decision to take on portray mother early in my career was not planned, but it became a defining aspect of my journey. Bollywood often puts actors into categories – glamorous leads or character artists. I found my niche in strong, relatable characters. These roles, I believe, gave my career longevity. A mother’s role is universal and timeless, allowing me to highlight depth and versatility as an actor.
What is the secret behind your timeless energy?
Acting has always been my passion, and that is what keeps me going. To maintain my physical and mental energy, I practice yoga, follow healthy eating habits, and travel whenever possible. Travelling, especially, rejuvenates me and keeps my outlook fresh.
How has been your experience of being part of comedy show on television?
With my character Katori Amma in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, I ventured into sitcoms, which has a unique energy. Making people laugh is a rewarding challenge. The response to my portrayal has been overwhelming. Audiences often see glimpses of their mothers or mothers-in-law in Katori Amma and share their feedback with me. It is heartwarming. I will never forget an elderly woman telling me she started calling her son-in-law as Happu and gave her daughters-in-law quirky nicknames after watching the show. Moments like these remind me why I love what I do—they bring joy to people’s lives.
Watch Himani Shivpuri as Katori Amma in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, airing at 10pm, Monday to Friday, only on &TV!