Hitting the High Notes: Shilpa Joshi's Musical Journey

Shilpa Joshi’s musical journey began with formal vocal training at a young age. “I was always drawn to the expressive power of music, and this fascination led me to explore various genres. Initially, I had a particular fondness for folk music and pop. I started experimenting with singing, and to my surprise, I found that I had a natural talent for it,” she says. Over time, Shilpa worked diligently to hone her skills, expanding her repertoire and vocal techniques. “The encouragement from my family and friends, coupled with my growing love for music, solidified my desire to pursue a career in this field. Music became more than just a hobby; it became a passion and a calling.”

Growing up, Shilpa was deeply influenced by legendary artists such as Naseebo Lal and Reshma Ji. “Their powerful voices and emotive performances left a lasting impact on me. Their ability to convey deep emotions through their music inspired me to develop my own style,” she recalls. Additionally, Jasmine Sandlas, an American Punjabi playback singer, has been a significant influence. “I admire her unique voice and the way she carries herself with confidence and grace. Her ability to blend traditional Punjabi music with modern elements has encouraged me to experiment and create a style that is uniquely my own, combining traditional and contemporary influences.”

Like many parents, Shilpa’s dad had hopes that she would pursue a more conventional career. “I worked in the private sector for a time, but I always felt a sense of emptiness and unfulfillment. Music was a constant in my life, a dream that never faded. One day, after a particularly uninspiring day at work, I realized that I could no longer ignore my passion. I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue music full-time,” she shares. It was a difficult decision, but one that brought her immense joy and satisfaction. “My dad, though initially hesitant, saw my dedication and supported my decision. It was a turning point that made me realize it’s never too late to chase your dreams, especially when they bring you true happiness.”

One of the most memorable moments in Shilpa’s career was the release of her single, “Lahore Nachda.” “The response was overwhelming, and I was thrilled to see it trending globally. The fact that it reached the #200 spot in Lahore was beyond my wildest expectations. This recognition validated all the hard work and dedication I had put into my music,” she beams. Receiving messages from fans who connected with the song was heartwarming. “This experience reaffirmed my belief in the power of music to bring people together and made me even more committed to my craft.”

Challenges are a part of any career, and for Shilpa, one of the challenges she faces as a singer is that her unique voice doesn’t suit every type of song. “While this can be limiting, I see it as an opportunity to carve out a niche for myself. I embrace my unique vocal qualities and strive to be versatile within my range. Adapting to different musical styles and pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone has helped me grow as an artist,” she explains. Each challenge is a learning experience that allows her to refine her skills and develop a deeper understanding of her own voice.

Positivity is Shilpa’s guiding principle when it comes to handling creative blocks. “I believe in maintaining a positive outlook and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. When I encounter a creative block, I take a step back and allow myself time to recharge. Engaging in activities that inspire me, such as reading, spending time in nature, or simply listening to other artists’ music, helps reignite my creativity,” she says. Surrounding herself with positive influences and staying optimistic helps her overcome periods of low inspiration and come back stronger.

My dad, though initially hesitant, saw my dedication and supported my decision

Throughout her music career, patience has been one of the most valuable lessons Shilpa has learned. “Success in the music industry doesn’t happen overnight. It requires dedication, hard work, and a great deal of patience. There have been times when progress seemed slow, but I’ve learned to trust the process and stay committed to my goals,” she reflects. Another important lesson is to have faith in herself. “Believing in my abilities and staying true to my artistic vision has been crucial in navigating the ups and downs of my career.”

Looking to the future, Shilpa is excited about several upcoming projects. “These projects are very close to my heart and represent the culmination of months of hard work and creativity. While I can’t disclose all the details just yet, I can say that my audience can expect some exciting new music that showcases my growth as an artist. I’m confident that these releases will resonate with my fans and bring something fresh and unique to the music scene,” she teases.

Shilpa also has plans to explore other aspects of the music industry, such as producing or songwriting for other artists. “I enjoy writing songs and plan to release some of my compositions on my channel soon. I believe that songwriting is a powerful way to express oneself and connect with others. As for producing or writing for other artists, I would love to collaborate with artists like Karan Aujla and Badshah. Working with talented individuals who bring different perspectives and styles to the table would be an enriching experience and allow me to grow further as a musician,” she says.

Staying grounded and maintaining mental health in the demanding music industry is essential for Shilpa. “My family, especially my dad, plays a crucial role in keeping me grounded. Their unwavering support and guidance help me stay focused and balanced. I find peace and solace in spending quality time with my loved ones,” she explains. Additionally, her spiritual practice as a devotee of Shiva provides her with inner strength and tranquility. “Devotion and spirituality are integral to my life, helping me maintain a positive mindset and good mental health amidst the challenges of the music industry,” she adds.

Anjali Shetty
Written by

Anjali Shetty

A seasoned journalist with 14 years of experience in the field, I have a diverse portfolio of work, covering a wide range of topics from news and entertainment to food and lifestyle. In 2020, I moved to Canada. Now, I am exploring life as a new immigrant, while maintaining my love for Bollywood, regional cinema and more.