Kabir Khan: Sharvari has got the entire industry talking about her!

Talented Bollywood actor Sharvari, has undeniably made 2024 her own, emerging as one of the brightest young actors in the industry. She began the year with a massive success with Munjya, a film that not only crossed the 100-crore mark but also featured her electrifying solo dance number, Taras. Following that she had a global streaming hit with Maharaj and then Vedaa for which she won unanimous praise for her brilliant acting. She is now gearing up for her next project, the YRF Spy Universe action entertainer Alpha, alongside Alia Bhatt.

Sharvari comes with no backing in the industry and her journey has truly been impressive. She made her acting debut in Kabir Khan’s web series The Forgotten Army. Kabir, who was one of the first to discover her for screen, is thrilled with Sharvari’s rise in Bollywood.

He says, “When I auditioned Sharvari for my series, ‘The Forgotten Army’ I happily realised that I have discovered a rare talent who will go on to deliver incredible performances in the years to come. She is one of the most effortless actors that I have worked with. Her presence and charm lights up the screen - that’s a gift very few actors have and those who do have gone on to leave a huge impact on cinema.”

As someone who has mentored Sharvari in the early days of her career, Kabir reveals, “As a mentor, I’m incredibly proud of her journey. She has already got the entire industry talking about her talent. She has miles to go and lots to achieve but the dedication, discipline and single-minded approach she has towards her goal to be known as one of the best actors of the Indian film industry is truly impressive. She knows that she has made a space for herself in this industry only on the basis of her talent and hard work and therefore she goes the extra mile for every film.”

Kabir feels Sharvari will leave a lasting impact in Bollywood with her incredible acting. He says, “She is not at all entitled and knows that only her acting will make her soar in this hugely competitive industry. Above all this, Sharvari has the courage to walk the path less travelled and choose projects that not many will dare to do. That’s what makes her exciting as an actor.”

Entertainment Desk
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