With an experience of almost two decades in the entertainment industry, actor Karan V Grover has been the ladla of every home with the kind of heartwarming performances he has given. He will soon be seen in Ravie Dubey and Sargun Mehta’s Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei, which will stream every Monday and Wednesday on the official YouTube channel of Dreamiyata Dramaa, from December 25 onwards.
The actor who has been friends with the producers for a long time is all praise for their vision and professionalism. He said, “I have seen them grow stronger and stronger over the years, and we have been friends as well. Now, as artists and individuals, they have been putting their energy, money, time, and effort into the storytelling landscape that they actually believe in.”
“Both are wonderfully creative and passionate people. Working with them is an absolute treat. Whenever it is possible for me, I make sure to work with them. It is a very rare and exclusive quality to be so involved and have everybody on set so invested and interested in the work being made. I am super proud of them. I wish them the best, and I hope Dreamiyata Dramaa becomes the most-watched channel in India and across the globe,” he added.
The actor plays Ishan in the show, a character from a rich and well-off family. He said, “Ishan has old money, speaks with style and class, and isn’t arrogant about it. But as you get to know him, you see he’s very romantic about life. However, some events in his life make him bitter.” Karan is paired opposite Ayesha Khan, who will play the role of Nikki in the series. He called her a wonderful actor and revealed that he is having fun working with her. He further said, “My chemistry with Ayesha Khan is fabulous, I feel—both on screen and off screen. She is a wonderful actor and person. She is full of life and masti, and she keeps everybody very jovial and happy on the set while working. ”
“Personally, I would say that she is one of the best actors I have worked with and one of the finest New comers in the industry. Also, she is very gracious because now she has lunch for me every day since she has a cook at her home. So, now I have a special affection towards her (laughs),” he added.
Dil Ko Rafuu Karr Lei revolves around a married couple, where the wife is only looking for love from her husband, and he can give her everything except love. Throwing more light on the complexities of life and marriage that it deals with, Karan said, “It deals with the complexities of two different people who are on different pages, wanting different things in life. They end up in a marriage and try to make things work, or they go apart and yet have a respectful understanding towards each other’s perspective.”
He further shared that the audience will connect to the aspect that nobody is perfect—whether in a marriage, outside the marriage, or at home. He added, “Everybody is fighting through their imperfections and working on them to come to common ground and make things work perfectly.”
Have you ever had to rafuu your dil? “I have never had to rafuuu my dil or the chords of my love life, honestly, and I have been lucky with that. The title genuinely means to me that the discord between two good people can be amended by simple communication, understanding, and spending some time listening and knowing the other person. That’s what rafuu means to me."