Mukesh Modi: My aim is to make films that create awareness and provide solutions

Mukesh Modi, a Mumbai-born filmmaker based in the United States, has embarked on a journey fueled by passion and a drive to convey powerful messages through cinema. His latest project, Political War, though rejected by the Central Board of Film Certification, India is poised for a global release, showcasing Modi’s resilience in the face of adversity.

Journey into Filmmaking
Modi’s journey into filmmaking began with a spark ignited by Bollywood and nurtured by his relentless pursuit of his passion. Undeterred by the lack of connections in the industry, he ventured to Los Angeles, US to master the craft, eventually producing his own film, driven solely by his unwavering passion for storytelling and reaching audiences. “My first film, Passion was sold to Amazon. And is doing well on the OTT. This pushed me to take the plunge.”

Handling Challenges and Emotions
For Modi, filmmaking demands unwavering dedication and detachment from emotional attachments. Despite the setback of India’s censorship rejection, he remains steadfast in his belief that every project requires a hundred percent commitment, regardless of the emotional toll it may exact. “Of course I am hurt. But I believe in doing my good karma and leaving the rest to God. I have made tremendous sacrifices, both personal and financial, to make this film.”

Impact of Censorship on Global Release
The rejection by the Indian censor board poses significant challenges, but Modi remains undeterred, determined to share his message beyond borders. While the lack of approval hampers domestic distribution, he sees the global release as an opportunity to reach a broader audience, albeit with plans to revisit and resubmit the film for approval in India. “My opinion is that, the board should suggest what needs to be altered in a film. However, just rejecting a film doesn’t make sense. They need to look into this.”

Takeaway from Political War
Through Political War, Modi aims to instill a message of unity and resilience, cautioning against divisive politics fueled by religion and caste. Amid India’s growth, he advocates for awareness and unity, urging audiences to resist political manipulation and embrace solidarity. “Today, unfortunately we are surrounded by people who are taking advantage of religion and caste biases. I want people to open their eyes and see the impact of religion bias. You have to be one, you can’t let anyone divide you.”

Filmmaking Style and Passionate Themes
Modi’s filmmaking ethos revolves around conveying messages and fostering awareness rather than mere storytelling. He aims to guide audiences towards positive action, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in safeguarding societal values and cohesion. “It is easy to make films on history or what has already happened. However, my aim is to make films that give a solution. And, Political War does that. It offers a way out for the audience.”

Cinema, according to Modi, serves as a potent tool for societal change, advocating for content that uplifts and unites. “I urge fellow filmmakers to harness the medium’s transformative potential by promoting positive messages and solutions to prevalent issues.”

Future Endeavors
Beyond Political War, Modi ventures into diverse genres with upcoming projects like Torn, a psychological thriller featuring Alphonso Freeman, son of Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman. He remains committed to shedding light on compelling narratives, including stories rooted in Indian culture and experiences.

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