Actor Nikkhil Arya, popular for his roles in successful shows like Kesar, Kasturi, Tere Liye, and Kumkum Bhagya, has made his debut in Marathi films. The film has been generating positive buzz since its release. Just before the end of the first week, the makers decided to release a song depicting the wedding sequence featuring Nikkhil and actress Mrinal Kulkarni. While many found it beautiful and classy, the sequence has taken social media by storm, emerging as one of the best Marathi wedding sequences in recent times, largely due to the chemistry between the two artists. Talking about the sequence, Nikkhil says, “The first thing you’ll notice about the song is the mixture of Marathi, Rajasthani, and Punjabi dialects, perfectly supported by the music. I believe the lyrical transformation and composition are pure genius. The atmosphere on set was very festive but also intense, as a lot of suspense is revealed within the song, it being the climax." He continues, “The highlight of the climax in terms of beauty, elegance, grace, and class was undoubtedly Mrinalji. Not to say that others didn’t do justice, but since it was her wedding, she was the most glamorous part of it, with her unbelievable screen presence.” He adds, “I’ve been flooded with calls and compliments. This is the maximum response I’ve ever received on the seventh day of a release. The soundtrack is one of the best aspects of the film, with a song for every emotion — sadness, expectation, and the celebration of love.” In conclusion, the movie delves into the complexities of relationships in contemporary times, and Nikkhil’s romantic and lighter side has truly struck a chord with the audience.
Director-Actor Prasad Oak to Portray Baburao Painter!
"Getting the opportunity to play this role is a blessing from Lord Nataraja," says Prasad Oak