Nitish Chavan: It was possible only because of Devi’s blessings

On the night of July 8t at 8.30pm, something happened on Marathi television that viewers had never experienced or seen before. The first episode of the newly launched series Lakhat Ek Amcha Dada aired on Zee Marathi, and it immediately received an outpouring of love from viewers and mind-blowing responses on social media. This response was for the four loving sisters, Suryadada, and veteran actor Dr Girish Oak, who plays the role of Daddy in the series. It was also for every powerful character in the show. The moment and scene that has been etched in the hearts of viewers and in the history of Marathi television is Suryadada’s procession scene.

Expressing his experience of portraying this scene, Nitish Chavan said, “When I learned that I had to perform such a scene in the procession, I was anxious from that moment. Thoughts about how it would go and what I could do kept running through my mind. When the day arrived, I hadn’t planned anything because I had never experienced being possessed before, so I had no idea how to do it. When I got ready and saw myself in the mirror for the first time, my confidence increased. The look was so amazing. Seeing that look awakened the feeling that I was about to do something different, and for this, I am very grateful to the makeup artists.”

He adds, “I got ready for the scene and first went to the Goddess, took her blessings, and prayed to her, saying, ‘I don’t know how to do this, please guide me and make me perform well.’ I took the first take, and after it was done, everyone applauded. Everyone said that it didn’t feel like you were Nitish acting; it felt like you were truly possessed. Shweta Madam came and hugged me, Kiran Sir, our director, came and said, ‘Just watch the episode now.’ After the scene was completed, I once again went to the Goddess and thanked her for guiding me. Even after our shoot ended that day, I went back to meet the Goddess and thanked her because I could do it only because of her.”

He shares, “Talking about the palanquin, it weighed 20 kg, and the art team did an excellent job. Carrying the 20 kg palanquin, wearing that attire, and delivering dialogues was exhausting. Once or twice, I even felt dizzy, but I didn’t stop because there was an energy and strength within me. I believe that all this energy was given by the Goddess, and because she was with me, I could successfully perform this scene, which has received such an excellent response.”

So, don’t forget to watch Lakhat Ek Amcha Dada every night at 8.30pm, only on Zee Marathi.

Entertainment Desk
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