IPC, directed by Rajesh Chavan, brings a dark and gritty crime story to Marathi audiences. The eight-episode series stars Kishor Kadam, Devika Daftardar, Abheney Sawant, and Rajendra Shisatkar, each of whom plays a vital role in keeping this intense narrative engaging. Inspired by real-life events, IPC is set in rural Maharashtra, specifically in a Konkan village, where a violent assault during the Shimga festival reveals disturbing secrets, challenging notions of justice and morality.
While IPC keeps viewers hooked with its suspenseful plot, there are moments where the storyline feels stretched. Yet, the strong performances by the cast make it worth the watch. Kadam, Daftardar, Sawant, and Shisatkar add depth to each scene, embodying their roles with subtle intensity that holds the show together.
Devika Daftardar is a standout with her calm, composed presence, showcasing her range and depth as an actor. Kishor Kadam, a veteran of Marathi cinema, is consistently impressive, molding himself seamlessly into the role. Abheney Sawant also makes a mark, delivering a balanced, intense performance, especially in scenes alongside Kadam. Finally, Rajendra Shisatkar shines in his role as a cop, bringing authenticity and gravitas to his character.
Overall, IPC is a worthy watch for the cast’s performances and Chavan’s vision, which explores complex social themes against a rural backdrop.