The ongoing drama in the popular Marathi serial Paru intensifies with Anushka’s schemes to ruin the Kirloskars. Her entry into the family has created a rift between Paru and Aditya, who were once close. Anushka’s manipulative tactics include planning a romantic date night for Aditya and forcing Paru to handle the preparations.
As Anushka’s true alliance with Disha is revealed, her motives to infiltrate and sabotage the Kirloskar family become evident. Meanwhile, Aditya is awarded a prestigious business honor, but Paru’s joy turns to heartbreak when she finds him with Anushka at the celebration.
The situation worsens as Damini advises Maruti to distance Paru from the Kirloskars, painting her as someone who might exploit Aditya. Adding to the tension, Anushka humiliates Paru by making Aditya refer to her as just a servant, pushing Paru to withdraw from the family entirely.
The storyline takes another twist when Pritham announces a promotional video shoot featuring Aditya and Paru. Despite everyone’s approval, Paru refuses to participate. Influenced by Damini’s threats, Maruti also forbids Paru from joining the shoot, further isolating her.
Will Aditya uncover the truth behind Paru’s actions? Will Anushka succeed in her sinister plans?