Pugs’ Wearing Breathing Apparatus to Warn Pune Residents That Flat-Faced Breeds Suffer for Life 

As pugs remain one of the most popular dog breeds in India, supporters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India and Hope For Paws Foundation in pug costumes and oxygen masks will gather in Pune to warn its citizens that foreign brachycephalic dogs (those with a short skull and flat face), such as pugs, struggle to breathe and can even require surgery for serious respiratory problems – and compassionate people should never buy them. 

“Breeders deliberately breed dogs with deformed faces and airways that shorten their lives and cause a multitude of health problems, just to achieve a particular look,” says PETA India Campaigns Coordinator Atharva Deshmukh. “PETA India encourages those with the time, patience, love, and resources to welcome a dog into their home to stop buying dogs with debilitating deformities from breeders and pet stores and instead adopt desi dogs, who are known for their loving nature, from an animal shelter.” 

Pugs, popularised by Vodafone commercials, and other breathing-impaired breeds (BIB) such as French and English bulldogs, Pekingese, Boston terriers, boxers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, and shih tzus suffer from an agonising and sometimes fatal condition called brachycephalic syndrome, which causes them to pant, snort, wheeze, and struggle just to breathe. It can make chasing a ball, running, playing, and even going for a walk – the things that make dogs’ lives joyful and fulfilling – difficult. 

Where: Outside Westside, Fergusson College Road, Pune, Maharashtra 411004 
When: Friday, 26 April, 12 noon sharp

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