Rishabh Chadha, a seasoned actor with 17 years of experience, takes on a gripping role in Swipe Crime, streaming on Amazon MX Player. Produced by Harsh Mainra, Jyoti Chauhan, and Prashant Shinde under Versatile Motion Pictures, the series explores the thrilling yet alarming world of social media and dating apps.
Reacting to the title, Rishabh says, “The name Swipe Crime is powerful and immediately sets the tone for what’s coming—drama, crime, and thrill. I was excited to dive into this spine-chilling journey.”
The series is deeply relevant, reflecting the digital era we live in. Rishabh agrees, “Dating apps are part of life across demographics. It’s the new matchmaking space, but it’s not a bed of roses. Things can spiral downhill in this digital world. Swipe Crime captures this duality brilliantly.”
Rishabh plays Vidhan Shastri, a small-town boy from Ratlam with big ambitions. “Vidhan is focused and practical, but beneath his composed surface, there’s a storm brewing. He’s earnest, loyal, and deeply connected to his family and friends. Audiences will relate to his desire to achieve great things while navigating challenges and making mistakes like any college student,” he shares.
Despite the stellar ensemble cast, Rishabh believes Vidhan stands out. “He’s the glue that binds the gang together, maneuvering through obstacles with foresight and vulnerability. His approach to life sets him apart.”
Off-screen, Rishabh shares a warm camaraderie with his co-stars. “Our chemistry on-screen is intermingling—friendship, infatuation, and drama. Off-camera, we’re a powerhouse of love and warmth. Special mention to Faisal sir, who I deeply respect and admire,” he says.
For Rishabh, working with Versatile Motion Pictures has been a standout experience. “VMP feels like home. Harsh sir is an exceptional producer and director, seamlessly wearing multiple hats. The team is gracious, professional, and inspiring,” he praises.
In a world dominated by social media, Swipe Crime delivers drama while shedding light on the darker side of the digital age. As Rishabh puts it, “This series is both entertaining and an eye-opener. It’s a mirror to our times.”