The anticipation for Shashank Khaitan’s upcoming directorial venture, Sunny Sanskar Ki Tulsi Kumari, is building as it brings together the dynamic duo of Rohit Saraf and Sanya Malhotra with Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor.
SSKT promises to be a celebration of love, complete with stellar music and a strong star cast. According to sources, both Rohit and Sanya, will create an exceptionally entertaining dynamic, making this project their first collaboration.
Production is gearing up to set the stage with a shoot that will take the crew to various locations, including international shoots. Starting with schedules in Mumbai, the team will then head to Rajasthan for further filming.
As Rohit eagerly awaits the release of his OTT project Mismatched 3, he’s also set to appear in Ishq Vishk Rebound, hitting theaters on June 28. Meanwhile, Sanya’s upcoming film Mrs, which premiered at the Hawaii International Film Festival 2024, has also been creating buzz.