In the enthralling tale of Saara Kahi Tichyasathi, the bond between Nishi and Neeraj faces a pivotal moment. Neeraj’s endeavor isn’t solely to earn Nishi’s father, Raghunath Khot’s trust, but to secure approval for their relationship. With his residence stationed near Khot’s residence, Neeraj confronts the formidable challenge of winning Raghunath’s acceptance, while Nishi observes the unfolding struggle.
Neeraj opts to withhold news of his abduction, perhaps fearing it may cast doubt on Raghunath Khote, leaving him in a precarious situation. Uma suspects Neeraj’s secrecy and ponders whether its revelation will strain his rapport with Raghunath Khote. Will Neeraj confront Raghunath Khote with the truth? Will he find forgiveness, or will a new conflict emerge? As the narrative progresses, stay tuned to Saara Kahi Tichyasathi, airing every evening at 7 pm exclusively on Zee Marathi.