In the show Saare Kahi Tichyasathi, Nikita is creating tension between Neeraj and Nishi. A document is found in a hotel in Mumbai, which Ovi finds. Ovi instructs Vijay to gather information in Mumbai and requests the real reports from the lab assistant. Meanwhile, while Shrinu and Charu’s Haldi ceremony is ongoing, Ovi is busy collecting evidence. Ovi traps the doctor in her plan and attends Shrinu and Charu’s wedding. Ovi brings the doctor, and Vijay arrives with the hotel manager, exposing Charu’s lies in front of everyone. What new scheme will Charu come up with now? Will Ovi and Shrinu reunite? How will Shrinu react when he learns the truth about Charu? Don’t miss Saare Kahi Tichyasathi, Monday to Saturday at 6.30pm only on Zee Marathi. will make a big revelation on Saare Kahi Tichyasathi,
Vallari Viraj: Because of Tiger, we didn’t even have to take a single retake
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