Directed by Sachin Pilgaonkar, the sequel to the hit movie Navra Maza Navsacha titled Navra Maza Navsacha 2 will be released across Maharashtra on September 20. Unlike the first movie set on an ST bus journey, the sequel’s story unfolds on a Konkan Railway trip. The release date was recently announced at Shri Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai, with the presence of the movie’s producer-director Sachin Pilgaonkar, actress Supriya Pilgaonkar, and Maharashtra Bhushan Ashok Saraf.
Produced by Sushriya Chitra, Navra Maza Navsacha 2 is written, directed, and produced by Sachin Pilgaonkar, with dialogues by Santosh Pawar. A teaser announcing the release date has also been launched on social media. The film stars Sachin Pilgaonkar, Supriya Pilgaonkar, Ashok Saraf, Swapnil Joshi, Hemal Ingle, Nirmitee Sawant, Vaibhav Mangle, and Siddharth Jadhav. Additionally, Ashok Saraf’s character, who was a bus conductor in the first film, is now a ticket checker in the sequel.
Navra Maza Navsacha became a massive hit shortly after its release, with its hilarious and chaotic storyline about fulfilling a vow. Fans are eagerly waiting to see what happens in Navra Maza Navsacha 2 that necessitates a railway journey.