Arya Sangeet Prasarak Manadal is organizing a special programme titled Santawani on July 12 at the Bharat Natya Mandir, Sadashiv Peth, Pune. The programme will start at 6pm and entry to this program will be free on a first come first serve basis. This programme is an attempt to recreate the famous Santawani programme of Bharat Ratna Pr Bhimsen Joshi by his disciples. So, artists like Pt Upendra Bhat, Anand Bhate, Srinivas Joshi and Viraj Joshi will participate in this program to sing the most popular Abhangas sung by Pt Bhimsen Joshi. Veteran politician and the connoisseur of art Ulhas Pawar will anchor this show. The accompanying artists include Bharat Kamat (Tabla), Avinash Dighe (Harmonium), Rahul Gole (Organ), Prasad Joshi (Pakhawaj) and Mauli Takalkar (Taal).
New champions emerged at the Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025
The top three winners each took home prize money of USD 50,000, USD 25,000 and USD 15,000 respectively