
Actor Saswata Chatterjee’s journey through 2024 has been nothing short of exhilarating. From his riveting portrayal of PK Basu in ZEE5 Global’s Kaantaye Kaantaye to sharing screen space with Amitabh Bachchan in the upcoming epic Kalki 2898 AD, Chatterjee continues to mesmerize audiences with his versatile performances. In an exclusive conversation, the acclaimed actor delves into his latest projects, the scripts that captivate him, and the roles he dreams of playing.

Kaantaye Kaantaye delves into complex and dark themes. What was your initial reaction when you read the script?
I had read the original novel by Narayan Sanyal, so I was already familiar with the story. I felt that PK Basu, the character I was to portray, had a very distinct personality, and the series as a whole had a unique appeal. The original story, titled Sonar Kaanta, is quite different from other detective murder mysteries because PK Basu is an advocate by profession, and he’s a mature, seasoned individual. When I read the screenplay, I thought it was very well-written and had great potential for success on a streaming platform. I think it has indeed done very well.

What draws you to a particular script or character?
Any script or story has to touch my emotions. If it resonates with me on an emotional level, I know it has the potential to connect with the audience as well. That’s what I look for. During a script reading, if I don’t feel moved—if I don’t feel the sadness or the urge to laugh in certain scenes—then I know it’s not the right fit for me. I’ve turned down many stories because they didn’t touch my heart. I always look for a script that does.

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Is there a specific type of role you would find more challenging or fulfilling, or do you enjoy all genres?
I enjoy all genres, but I’m particularly eager to play a character who is deaf and mute. It’s a challenge I haven’t had the opportunity to take on yet, but I’m really looking forward to it.

Do you have any memorable moments from the set?
I’ve known the cast and crew from the very beginning of my career. It’s a small industry, so we’re all closely connected. Working with them again was a great experience. The camaraderie on set was fantastic, and I believe that when you enjoy the process, it shows in the final product.

You’ve worked across many mediums, industries, and languages. Which has been the most satisfying for you?
I actually started with theater, and I really miss it now. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to return to it, but it remains a deeply satisfying medium for me.

Anjali Shetty
Written by

Anjali Shetty

A seasoned journalist with 14 years of experience in the field, I have a diverse portfolio of work, covering a wide range of topics from news and entertainment to food and lifestyle. In 2020, I moved to Canada. Now, I am exploring life as a new immigrant, while maintaining my love for Bollywood, regional cinema and more.