
Taaruk Raina recently shared the story behind his latest song, Lost and Found, featuring Charan and starring Prajakta Koli. Unlike his previous songs, which came from personal experiences, this one was different.

“Every song I’ve made comes from personal memories or situations, but this one was different. It was just a random thought on a random night, and I created it in an hour. It was fun to make something spontaneous. Even though the song has emotions, I didn’t overthink it. Shooting the video was tough, we filmed in Goa during the monsoon, with only ten minutes of sun over three days. Despite all the disruptions, from rain to animals wandering into the frame, it was stressful yet incredibly fun.”

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The entire project was brought to life by a small but dedicated four-person team. Rahul Singh Dutta from Starving Artist Films played a key role in making the song and video happen. Despite the challenges of filming in Goa during the monsoon, Taaruk and his team managed to capture the essence of the song. With Prajakta Koli adding her charm to the video, Lost and Found is now out, offering a fresh and heartfelt experience for fans.

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