Just as every new year brings something fresh, the departing year leaves behind plenty of memories. Vallari Viraj, the lead actor of the popular show Navri Mile Hitlerla, recently shared how special 2024 has been for her. She said, “The first promo of Navri Mile Hitlerla aired on February 14, 2024. That memory is my best of the year because so many wonderful things happened to me on the same day. My film’s trailer and song were also released that day. It was truly a significant day for me. I still vividly remember that day. I was traveling for some work and got a message from Zee Marathi’s social media page about the promo. That moment will forever remain etched in my memory. Besides this, 2024 was hectic with shooting and promotions, which made me neglect my health. However, I’m now making gradual changes—eating on time and focusing on fitness with some exercise.”
Akshaya Hindalkar, who plays Vasundhara in Punah Kartavya Aahe, reflected on her own year, saying, “I wanted to complete my boxing training in 2024, but I couldn’t due to my busy shooting schedule. I’ll try to achieve it in the new year. The hardest part of 2024 was losing my grandmother, who was very close to me. I’ll always regret not being able to spend as much time with her as I wanted due to work. I couldn’t take her out or care for her the way I should have. If I could relive one thing from 2024, it would be to spend more time with my grandmother, take her on trips, and give her all the attention she deserved.”
Don’t forget to watch Navri Mile Hitlerla every night at 10pm and Punha Kartavya Aahe every evening at 6pm, only on Zee Marathi.