For choreographer Rajit Dev, the last few months have been both extremely challenging and fruitful. Whether it was Payal, Morni, or the latest release Aaye Haye, Rajit has reached new heights with every music video. His collaborations with Honey Singh, Karan Aujla, Badshah, and Nora Fatehi in various music videos have been widely appreciated. Most importantly, his music videos have been trending on social media, with countless reels being created on these songs. Rajit, who has been in the industry for quite some time now, is recognized as one of the top choreographers.
Time and again, he has proved his versatility, and within a short span, Rajit has showcased what he is truly capable of. His hook steps in songs like Zaalim, Pachtaoge, Chhod Denge, Dirty Little Secret, and Pepeta have all gone viral and are widely loved by netizens. Not only fans but also celebrities have created numerous reels featuring Rajit’s choreography.
Sharing his vision for 2025, Rajit says, “My focus will now be on choreographing for big films. I have worked in films in the past, but now I am looking forward to working on big-budget films with prominent names. This year has been a great journey for me. My association with Nora Fatehi has only grown stronger with every new music video. I am happy to have played a significant role in the latest hit by singer Karan Aujla, Aaye Haye. The song is still trending, and I am hopeful it will break more records in the future. Working with Yo Yo Honey Singh and Badshah has further sharpened my skills.”