The show Satvya Mulichi Satvi Mulgi is taking thrilling twists and turns every day. Currently, Meghana has entered Advait’s life as his secretary and is trying to stay close to him at all times. Meanwhile, Bunty, also known as Shatagriv, decides to quit school. Netra is overjoyed by Shekhar’s return and begins preparing to welcome him back. However, Kedar threatens Netra, warning that he will harm Shekhar. In an attempt to save Shekhar, Netra leaves the house.
During this time, Kedar records a video of Netra’s vulnerable situation and sends it to Maitri, leaving her confused and unsure about whether she should leave the house. Eventually, Maitri decides to leave, but Kedar attempts to harm her. Thankfully, Maitri escapes Kedar’s attack, and at the same time, Netra successfully brings Shekhar back home safely.
Once home, Kedar threatens Shekhar and coerces important information out of him. However, Netra has secretly recorded Kedar’s wrongdoings. She confronts Kedar with the video clips and warns him that she will expose his truth to the family, forcing him to rethink his actions. Using the recorded evidence, Netra tries to fix the situation, and her courage begins to bring about positive change.
Will Netra succeed in saving Shekhar and exposing Kedar?