
Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released the fourth season of its beloved drama series, Yeh Meri Family. Following the resounding success of the last three seasons, the fourth installment is all set to transport to the 90’s monsoon. This season follows the fan-favorite Awasthi family as they navigate the ups and downs of daily lives, all narrated through the lens of Rishi. Produced by TVF, Yeh Meri Family S4 features Juhi Parmar, Anngad Raaj, Rajesh Kumar, and Hetal Gada in pivotal roles.

Hetal Gada, who essays the character of Ritika, the elder sister of Rishi, in the show, revealed how she likes to unwind on a rainy day. She shared, “I like to sit by a balcony or a window and enjoy the rain while listening to some soothing melodies by Anuv Jain. I would also like to eat momos or Maggi while binge-watching Yeh Meri Family S4.”

Relive the magical era of the 90s, once again, while celebrating the enduring spirit of togetherness with Yeh Meri Family S4, streaming exclusively on Amazon miniTV, available on Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, smart TVs, and Play Store!

Entertainment Desk
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