This year’s Zee Chitra Gaurav Awards ceremony is much anticipated because women have truly shone at the box office this year, whether it’s through films like Baipan Bhari Deva or Jhimma 2. Another unique feature of this awards ceremony is the Jeevangaurav Award, which this year has been conferred upon Ushatai Mangeshkar. Additionally, this year’s ‘Marathi Paaul Padte Pudhe’ award goes to Priya Bapat.
Moreover, two actors from the Hindi film industry graced the event, leaving an indelible mark with their dance and acting skills. These actors are Shilpa Shetty and Sara Ali Khan. While Sara mesmerized the audience with her ‘Aika Dajiba’ performance, Shilpa Shetty elevated the event with her graceful presence. Now, it’s time to celebrate this Marathi film extravaganza with open arms! Zee Chitra Gaurav Awards 2024 will be held on Saturday, March 16, at 7pm exclusively on Zee Marathi.
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